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Student Services

Our dedicated Student Services team are here to support you throughout your time at Birmingham City University International College (BCUIC).

We are here to help you make the most of your studies and settle into life in the UK. You can come and speak to our friendly team for advice and assistance whenever you need it. You will also have full access to the support services offered by Birmingham City University (BCU).

Support on offer

Our friendly team are here to help you with the following:

  • Airport pick-up service (on request)
  • Enrolment and registration
  • Orientation and settling in
  • Social activities to get involved in campus life
  • English language support
  • Learning support
  • Attendance
  • Disability support*
  • Your welfare.

*Disabilities must be disclosed with your BCUIC application. BCUIC does not discriminate against any student with a disability but may not be able to offer full support for certain disabilities. Contact if you have any questions.

Digital support

Once enrolled, you will have immediate access to the BCUIC online student portal. This is where you will find:

  • Your BCUIC timetable
  • Academic information and learning resources
  • Extracurricular information from the Students’ Union
  • Updates from BCUIC’s support and academic teams.

Get involved

BCU’s Students’ Union offers plenty of societies to get involved with, covering faith/cultural interests, academic and everything in between. You can also join a sports club and make use of BCU’s many sports facilities, including an eight-court sports hall and a fully air-conditioned gym at the Doug Ellis Sports Centre.

Multi-Faith spaces

BCU is home to students from a range of backgrounds and faith groups. To ensure an inclusive environment, BCU’s City Centre Campus houses two multi-faith spaces, as does the City South Campus. There are also spaces on both campuses for students to gather for Friday Prayer.

Contact Student Support

If you have a question about the support services available at BCUIC or BCU, Dominika – our friendly Student Services Coordinator – is online and available to help.

Chat with Dominika
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