The Navitas bursary applies to students studying at BCUIC, ARU College, Brunel University London Pathway College, Curtin College, Curtin Singapore, Deakin College, Edith Cowan College, Eynesbury College, FIC, Griffith College, HIC, ICM, ICN International College, ICP, ICRGU, Keele University International College (KUIC), Lancaster University Leipzig, La Trobe College Australia, La Trobe University Sydney Campus, Queens College GSSP, RBC GSSP, SAIBT, SIBT, SRH International College, TMUIC, Twente Pathway College (TPC), The Hague Pathway College (THPC), The College Swansea University, UA92 Global, UC College, UCIC, UMass Boston GSSP, University of Leicester Global Study Centre, UPIC, Western Sydney University International College, Western Sydney University Sydney City Campus and WLIC.